Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Turning 40

Most of my friends that I went to school with turned 40 in 2010.

Some of them I have reconnected with on Facebook, but for the most part,
I haven't seen most of my high school friends in 20+ years.

One of my dearest friends was Shelley Walden.

I spent hours at her house and her parents were THE BEST to me.

She was one of the first of my friends to get their driver's license
and I remember
much to my surprise
my dad letting me go to the movies
and she drove. 

We saw the movie, WILDCATS, with Goldie Hawn.

It is a coming of age memory that I will never forget.

Last year, before Shelley turned 40, her husband emailed me and invited me to a surprise birthday party he was having for her.  He asked me to dig up some old pictures and bring along.  She and her family live in Florida, and the boys and I were just returning to California from Guam when the party was scheduled.  I just couldn't make it. 

And, I am a year behind digging up photos.........but came across these in the past couple weeks.

I thought I would use the World Wide Web to say.......

 Happy 20th Anniversary Shell

of your 21st birthday!~  

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