Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bank robbery? Maybe not......

So I know the blog was lacking over the summer months ....

part of it was the attempted travel to the states this summer,
(if you missed part of that story, click here)

part of it was the apathy of being back in Guam....
instead of at my mom's house,
by the pool,
with a glass of sweet tea in my hand,
and my extended family hanging out around me.

So here is a catch up story that I just have to tell someone...
so I'm basically telling ANYONE that might stumble on the blog
in the history of the planet.

Sometime in August I was heading from the Cup and Saucer (YUM!)
to Harvest to take school paperwork for Michael.

I was coming up to this intersection....

There was a couple of cars in front of me and I was just rolling up....

In a matter of 7 seconds - the following happened.

I heard that tire sound when someone slams on brakes
and my brain waited for the sound of crunching metal.....
'cause I just knew someone was about to be in an accident.

Then I heard a siren ....
which was too quick to respond to an accident

and then noticed movement as I inched closer to the intersection....

cars (not police cars)  had pulled into the intersection and blocked traffic at the corner
where you see the red car in the photo.

Men with big, giant, (maybe illegal?) guns started getting out of cars and out into the road.

Is someone robbing the bank??

What the heck?

Do I try to back up?

Do I ....
what do I do?

And then ....the light turned green and I decided to go through the intersection
and take my chances.

Later that day I checked the news and found NOTHING....

What in the world?

So Guamies.....
if you see me on one of those really bad Guam Super Bowl Commercials next February,
then we will know.....

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