Friday, January 27, 2012

Meleah - 6 months old

I just had to share these adorable videos of Meleah's new favorite game.


We were at Isaac's eye appt.
(*hence the background conversations)
And she just started grabbing her blanket and putting it over her face.  

If you don't think this baby is completely adorable, I can't be your friend.
(*just sayin')

6 month old photo shoot -

We have loved being her parents for the last 6 months
and wish with all our hearts that we could be her parents

Sometimes the system just doesn't work that way.

To make a long story short - 
Meleah leaves us on Monday the 30th.

I wish she could understand that we haven't left her,
it breaks my heart that everything in her life will be 

Please pray for her adjustment to the new people in her life.


1 comment:

  1. Melda!!!! I cried out loud when I read this...that Meleah will be leaving your super sweet family! Girl my hearts is so broke for you all right now! Praying for you all! I pray that she will some how know you and your family as she grows through the years. And that God will BLESS her and that she will KNOW Him! He is the most amazing Father to us all. Love you my dear friend!
