Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lots to read......

Zion started school in San Diego at a charter school called the Language Academy.
He did three years of school there, kinder, 1st and 2nd, all in Spanish. 
It was a great experience for him and I wish all the boys could have had the same opportunity.

Moving here meant giving that up, and I was sad for Zion, and a little worried that he would be behind in English. 

I mean, obviously, he speaks English........

but he did very little reading and writing in English while at the Language Academy. 
(they catch up this skill with their students starting in the 3rd grade)

All the teachers at the Language Academy assured me that Zion would be fine and catch up in six months.
They knew what they were talking about!

Zion was a little behind coming in, but by Christmas, he had a huge burst of reading advancement!

Here are some the books he has been pouring through.

Additionally,  he got this really fun book for Christmas.

Wreck This Journal

It appeals to the boy and the artist!

So I found this page, (from the journal) in his pants when I was doing the laundry last week.

Normally, I would NOT wash paper.........but this time I did.

So proud to have "reader" kids!   


  1. That is awesome! I love to see kids read and it looks like he is passionate about it too. :-)

  2. He might really like the Warriors by Erin Hunter. Or Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins. Wylie started both of those series (always important with my guy, I guess so he knows there's something else to read?) in 3rd grade. He also read the Poppy series by Avi, well, started them, but then a character dies and he literally threw the book across the room and said, "I will never read that book again. How could they do that to me?"

    Congrats on a great reader and one who will pick up Espanol again with ease!
