Tuesday, May 3, 2011


How do you give HOPE?

It's easy to give a hungry person food

Or a naked person clothes

or a cold person a blanket

or a homeless person a place to sleep

but HOPE?

Sometimes hope starts with
a blanket
and a place to sleep.

But it can't end there.

Giving HOPE involves relationship.


in someone's life

to the point

that your own life

might become


Are you willing to give HOPE??

May is foster care month.  Events are taking place nationwide.
Check here for an event in your area.
Foster care is full of children who need HOPE.
It doesn't just mean that you take in a child.
There is MUCH you can do besides that, or in addition to that.

If you live on Guam,
on Sunday, May 29th at 10am
Bayview Church
to hear God's passion for these children.
And to learn about the needs of the orphan
on Guam and worldwide.


(*to read other things I have written on this topic, see the links below)

The Cry of the Orphan

The Starfish Story

Touching video

Hungry in Haiti

Feeding hungry children

Preventing orphans

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