Friday, June 17, 2011

End of school - bittersweet

I don't know what it is:

Maybe just me.

But the end of school feels different this year than it ever has.

Maybe being in San Diego for six years made summer easier,
because we knew we would see everyone again, "next year". 

We did have friends come and go - but nothing like the small island of Guam.

It's a mass EXODUS for the month of June.

In fact, I would say at least 150 students out of 800 from the school are already gone.
(*that's a rough guess and since I suck at math and estimates, it could be way off)

I stopped by the boys' classroom (well, Isaac and Zion) to take a few last photos.

Even Zion's teacher is moving, and she is amazing.

I don't think students can appreciate a great teacher as much as a parent can.

Seriously, Kimberly Simpson............."Uh-Mazing!"

Instead of having a 3rd grade assembly.   The 3rd grade teachers had awards in their classrooms.
It was really nice, because it was more personal, and gave the teacher a chance to say more about each student.   Zion was the 'math whiz'  and that he is.  (thank GOD he has Mike's brain)

Zy and the home fries 

Isaac and his teacher, Mrs. Atiogue -
This woman really must be working on sainthood.
She has had some crazy boys this past year, and Isaac was no exception.
But she's a "been there, done that" teacher and never loses her cool.

Some of Isaac's 100% boy buddies

The end of school also means our last few days with the Gillams,
which, I admit I have been quiet about.

Avoidance can be a great tool for coping. 

So I haven't been talking about it, and have been "shhh-ing" anyone who brings it up.

But we had our last outing to Pizza Hut today after school.

Which was one of our first outings together when we came for Christmas in 2009.

Kevin was too busy at work to make it - but all the Thorntons were there and the Gillam girls.

Disney Monopoly was the big hit

Sam let them open it, and Maddy, Ellie and Zion played for  almost an hour without even eating lunch.
It was (always is) nice to spend time with the Gillams -
even if it's short
and even if it's nothing special
and even if, they are leaving us.

But along the lines of avoidance - I'll see them Sat. and Sunday!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to cry for you that the Gillams are leaving! I had no idea.

    Wish we could rewind to a year ago (and Nash could rewind with us!:)) I'm pretty sure we were probably having coffee together and laughing and having some amazing talks this morning a year ago...

    Miss you!! And give those sweet boys some huge hugs from us! Congrats on finishing another year and hoping they each have an AMAZING summer!! Praying the Lord has some sweet blessings in store for y'all... does a mass exodus mean new entrances as well??
